Select your listing type
Student listing
Choose this listing if you are a student who are looking for a supervisor or a service provider
Dissertation Coach Listing
Chose this listing package when you are a dissertation coach, who wants to offer your services to students
Service provider listing
Choose this listing if you are a service provider to dissertation writing students. It can for example be publishers, proofreaders, coaches, recruiters, etc.
Job Listing
Choose this listing if you have a job offer for an MBA, EMBA, DBA, PhD or any other student in higher education, who is about to finish.
- Choose this listing if you are a student who are looking for a supervisor or a service provider
- Chose this listing package when you are a dissertation coach, who wants to offer your services to students
- Promoted in newsletters
- Promoted on social media
- Choose this listing if you are a service provider to dissertation writing students. It can for example be publishers, proofreaders, coaches, recruiters, etc.
- Promoted in newsletters
- Promoted on social media
- Choose this listing if you have a job offer for an MBA, EMBA, DBA, PhD or any other student in higher education, who is about to finish.
How does it work?
Select the right package
Select the package that reflects your role on this site.
Create your listing
Invest the time in creating a good listing and choose the options you need. Don't forget great photos
Pay your listing
Pay your listing at the checkout. If for one reason your listing isn't approved your money is returned -5 EUR in admin fee
If your listing is approved it goes live. It usually happens within 24 hours
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